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Board of Directors
of the Mariposa County Sheriff's Foundation
The Board currently consists of nine community members. The Sheriff asked several community members that he felt had applicable education or experience if they would be willing to volunteer to develop a similar foundation to that which has been successful in other counties. All of those who agreed to help are members of the community, all from different backgrounds. All Board Members are volunteers.
Meet our Volunteer Board of Directors
Brandon Hatcher, President
Bill Bondshu, Vice President
Lori Law, Secretary
Brian Finnegan, Treasurer
Carrie Cogdell
Lou Cordero
Rebecca Hatcher
Maddie Preston
Monthly MCSF monthly board meetings are open to the public. The Board typically meets the first Monday of each month, at the Sheriff's Office. If you wish to address the Board, we encourage you to use the form on the left so that we can add you to the agenda. The Board cannot vote on items that do not appear on the agenda. Please also use the form on the left to ask a question, or to leave a comment. Alternatively, you may also email us at the address below.
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