Our Members
Thank You
The membership of the Mariposa County Sheriff's Foundation is crucial to our success. Membership revenue is a key source for our ability to assist the Sheriff's Office in their mission, and in broadening their relationship with our beautiful community. If you've not had the opportunity to become a member yet, we encourage you to reach out to us.
Meet our Members
1850 Restaurant & Brewing Co
Frank Rose
Happy Goat
Pacific Gas and Electric (Corporate Partner)
Pioneer Market (Corporate Partner)
Rebecca Hatcher, Realtor
Tri-County Pump & Well
Sierra Forestry Consulting, LLC
Bailey, Bill
Bondshu Family
Marsh, Eddie & Jeannine
Rebecca Ramirez, CPA
Richards, Claude (Pelk) & Dorothy
Westfall, Richard
Fremont House
Griffith, James
Happy Burger Diner
Jennifer Canter Realty
MERCO Credit Union
Allen, Jim & Lee Ann
Briese, Jeremy
Dumont & Werle, Betsy & Sean
Kahl & Finnegan, Bruce & Brian
All Creatures Veterinary- Dr. Wise
Anderson, Adam
Bobman, Stan and Sandra
Buffalo Valley Ranch-Bill McKay
Cogdell, Carrie Long
Coico & Meakim, Patrick & Christina
Dolce Vita Ranch & Cattle Co.
Foster Ace Hardware
Gere, Patricia
Goulet, Dan & Stephanie
Howerton, Susan
Johnson, Chris
Kahl, Kitt
Law, Lori
Law, Shelley
Little, Mike & Bonnie
Mariposa Feed & Supply/Creekside Nursery
Mariposa Pizza Factory-Ron Willey
Matlock, Roger & Becky
McLean, Colleen & Mike
Miller Construction-Marilyn Miller
Preston, Maddie
Rios, Juan
Scharper, Matt & Tamara
Weihe, Eric & Sue
Alsup, Debbie
Boze, Cathi
Clay, Shawnee and Dennis
Cole, Rhonda
Dorato, Danny & Pat
Goulet, Carol
Hart, Codie & Kathy
Hatcher, Patricia
Huffman, Judith
Hurst, Ada
Lagutaris, Dennis
Lopez, George
Orth, Joe and Catherine
Shelton, Kevin & Carla
Smith, Karen M
Verdugo, Karen
Wight, Pat and Steve