Our Work
The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Foundation is established to provide a mechanism for others to contribute equipment, training, education and aid for the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office, employees, their families, prospective employees, and for community support.
What’s the purpose of the Foundation?
The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Foundation is established to provide a mechanism for others to contribute equipment, training, education and aid for the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office, employees, their families, prospective employees, and for community support.
Do other counties in California have organizations like this?
Absolutely. Many Sheriffs’ Offices have Foundations like this one. Here close to home, Madera, San Joaquin and Tulare have such organizations. Large counties like Ventura rely heavily on their Foundations.
Is the money raised by the Foundation used to supplement the Sheriff’s budget?
Not at all. The Foundation is managed by a completely autonomous and independent Board of Directors made up of citizen volunteers from the County. The Sheriff has no direct access to the funds, and no Sheriff’s Office employees are members of the Board. Foundation funds are in no way related to the Sheriff’s Office budget.
If the Sheriff has no direct access, how does the Foundation benefit the Sheriff’s Office?
When the Sheriff of Mariposa County perceives a need for funds with which to do community outreach, help with educational needs, or other non-budgeted issues, the Sheriff makes a request to the Foundation for funds. The Foundation Board evaluates the request, and votes on providing the funds.
How many people serve on the Board?
The Board currently consists of nine members.
Can money donated be earmarked for specific things like assisting a particular Officer injured in the line of duty, a division like K9 or SAR, or other designations?
Absolutely. If a donation is made to the Foundation without specification, it will go into the Foundation general account. If a specification is made, the money will only be used for Sheriff’s requests for that designation.
How did the idea of this foundation come up and how did the Sheriff pitch it to the community?
It started out simply because the Sheriff has had to turn away people who wanted to donate to the Sheriff’s Office because there is no methodology for citizens to donate directly to the Sheriff’s Office, which is a County funded.
The Sheriff also realized that the Office has no methodology for providing funds to do things like recognize his heroic staff with anything more than a certificate in the case of outstanding service. The Sheriff was unable to provide assistance to the community via money or gifts for recognition. The Sheriff saw this deficiency to be able to provide the service many other counties have been capable of doing. The Sheriff spoke to other counties and was provided information. Many Sheriff’s Offices throughout the state have a foundation that supports the Sheriff and his staff in much the same way that a booster organization works.
The Sheriff asked several community members that he felt had applicable education or experience if they would be willing to volunteer to develop a similar foundation to that which has been successful in other counties. All of those who agreed to help are members of the community, all from different backgrounds. All Board Members are volunteers.
How can I help?
The Foundation gratefully accepts cash donations for the use of the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office. You can donate directly to a Board Member or volunteer, or you can send your donation to MCSF PO Box 5008-158, Mariposa, CA 95338. The Foundation is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For tax purposes, the Foundation EIN is 87-4809956. You can also become a Foundation member, and help us with Foundation events. Membership information can be had by writing to the address above. The Foundation will very soon also have an interactive web site, an on-line store and a Facebook presence.
Can I donate something besides cash to the Foundation?
If you have an item you think the Foundation can use, please feel free to let us know. The Board will meet to discuss the item and whether the Foundation can accept it.
Can I attend Board Meetings?
Absolutely. The Board typically meets on the first Monday of each month. The location is typically either at the Fairgrounds, or, occasionally at the Sheriff’s Office.
Does the Foundation spend money on anything else besides the Sheriff’s Office?
With small administrative exceptions, 100% of Foundation funds go into either funding the Sheriff’s requests or into raising funds for the Foundation.
Does the Foundation have employees?
No. Everyone who works in the Foundation is a volunteer.
Does the Foundation own equipment?
Although the Foundation does not now own equipment other than small office items, it is within our charter to potentially buy items and then loan them perpetually or donate them to the Sheriff’s Office.
Are Foundation financial records, minutes and governing documents available to see?
Absolutely. It is the intention of the Foundation to be completely transparent to the community All of these items are available upon request.